Howdy y’all, We’ve updated NR and NT blast databases to the latest versions, and we’ve added a new database: Uniprot! Happy blasting!
New CPT Galaxy Instance, Now Available!
Up until now the CPT has been running two separate Galaxy instances, one for our internal use with our full swath of tools, and one for public use with a reduced tool set. We have now merged these instances into a single one, available to everyone! If you are a legacy user, please migrateLearn More…
New CPT Galaxy Instance, Summer 2015
Up until now the CPT has been running two separate Galaxy instances, one for our internal use with our full swath of tools, and one for public use with a reduced tool set. We will be merging these two instances, to better provide for all of our users. This means that as CPT Internal Galaxy Users, toolsLearn More…