These are the protocols we use for training at the CPT. They are intentionally generic in order to be applicable to a variety of phage-host systems. You will need to culture and maintain your host cells using whatever media and culture conditions are appropriate for the organism. For phage plating, it is important to use solid media that is optically clear in order to be able to visualize plaques against the bacterial lawn.
- Basic microbiology techniques (06-11-2011)
- Phage enrichments (07-12-2011)
- Subculturing phage isolates (07-12-2011)
- Making a plate lysate (07-12-2011)
- Phage DNA extraction (modified Wizard method) (07-12-2011)
- Phage DNA extraction by phenol:chloroform (09-21-2018)
- CsCl phage prep (08-17-2011)
- Staining TEM grids (05-01-2020)
- Preparing a lawn of bacteria (08-24-2020)
- Titering phages (08-24-2020)
- Making a pickate (08-24-2020)
- Streaking out phage (08-24-2020)
- DNA extraction using the Norgen Phage DNA Kit (08-24-2020)
More protocols including common media recipes can also be found here.
If you are looking for protocols on phage genomics, see the CPT training material site.