Need an introduction to using workflows? Our newest training material entry under Introduction to Galaxy and Apollo is called “Using and Editing Workflows in Galaxy“. This quick guide covers the basics of accessing, running, and creating workflows to automatically chain Galaxy tools together for reproducible job execution with minimal clicks. The material may also beLearn More…
New Tool: MultiQC
We have integrated a handy tool from into CPT Galaxy that allows aggregation of bioinformatic analyses into an HTML report output. The MultiQC tool is particularly useful in conjunction with FastQC when used on NGS data. Added by Cory Maughmer, the MultiQC tool can be found under CPT: Genomic Overview. Please email the supportLearn More…
Tool Spotlight: MIST dot plots
Do you want to compare a large number of phage genomes by dot plot? In the Comparative Genomics workflow, we regularly do genome-wide nucleotide comparisons between 5-10 or more genomes. The dot plot generated by MIST is a primary output from that analysis. Some improvements to labeling placement have been made to optimize readability whenLearn More…