InterProScan has been updated to the latest and great; version 5.7 and database version 48.0 Additionally, at this time SignalP and TMHMM analyses have been enabled in InterProScan. Phobius is currently broken.
Galaxy Updates and Dev/Ops
Galaxy Prod/Dev Environments Split
Thanks to puppet and supervisord, the CPT Galaxy environments were easily split into production and development servers, to ensure updates and new software is tested before going live for all CPT staff/faculty/students to use.
Performance Tracking with StatsD and Graphite
Background Recently we encountered an issue of an underperforming web service. This is a service we want to position as vital to productivity within our organization, that service being OwnCloud. It acts functionally a lot like dropbox, with many features that we really love, all for “free”! (Free not including equipment, maintenance, power, salaries, etc).Learn More…