The CPT members presented research at the 2019 Texas Branch ASM Meeting hosted by the University of Texas at San Antonio on November 7-9, 2019.
Dr. Jason Gill co-chaired the Virology and Viral Pathogenesis Session at the meeting and delivered a presentation titled ” The defense against restriction System and capsid morphogenesis of bacteriophage P1″. Dr. Karthik Chamakura was invited to give a talk on “Evolution and diversity in single gene lysis” in the same session.
Jordyn Michalik-Provasek, a Ph. D. student supervised by Dr. Jason Gill, presented her Ph.D. research on ” Developing and characterizing bacteriophage for therapeutic use against carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae” in Medical Microbiology session and won the second place in graduate student presentation category.
Cody Martin, the 2018 Beckman Scholar under the supervision of Dr. Ry Young and Dr. Jolene Ramsey, delivered an oral presentation titled “Seventy years later: a new lysis inhibition system in coliphage N4”. He won the Second Place in undergraduate student research presentation category.