The CPT Galaxy hosts various standard tools and workflows for phage annotation. Below, we highlight a few workflows built and shared among our users for their specific analysis needs. Maybe they will be useful to you as well.
* Structural workflow for existing organism
Workflow name: Modified PAP Structural Workflow v.2020.06 for updating existing organism
Purpose: run the structural workflow and UPDATE an organism in Apollo instead of creating a new one. Requires the organism JSON acquired using the Retrieve Data from Apollo tool.
Owned by user: meiliu
* Shine-Dalgarno for a single protein
Workflow name: Shine-Dalgarno from single protein ID
Purpose: From a single protein accession, determine whether a Shine-Dalgarno sequence exists upstream of that coding sequence in the genome. Potentially useful when checking the quality of blastp hits.
Owned by user: jolenerr
To use or import published workflows, go to Shared Data>Workflows. Community workflows are controlled and maintained by their owners. See another community workflow that could use some promotion? Email the support team!