Looking for a specific term or domain within your analyzed data, like BLAST, InterProScan, or an annotated genome? This tool will scan input files for your desired terms and output the hits for you to peruse.
For example, when searching for lysis genes, searching for lysis-related terms within files can be useful. This tool allows for the querying of GFF3, FASTA, Genbank, and/or BLAST XML files with a user-defined set of terms. The terms can either be from the curated lysis family term database, a custom set of terms you type in or provide in a file, or both. Each query term is passed to each file, to see if it is within the contents (similar to CTRL+F), but it queries relevant places specific to the file type. For example, Genbankās product, notes, and dbxref qualifiers are queried. Matches in each file type are returned in an output file that allows users to see the features within their specific context.
This tool written by Curtis Ross is in Galaxy under:
CPT: OTHER– Search File
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