Tired of entering notes directly into Apollo? Need to change a gene feature boundary on the fly? Using this tool, those changes and many more are easily accomplished. Quickly and effectively make a large numbers of changes in a short period of time by utilizing this in tandem with the Annotation Table tool. For instance, all proteins that have no evidence tracks can be labeled as “hypothetical protein” in tabular file in Excel, and then uploaded to Galaxy. With the tabular file, the organism’s gff3, and FASTA file a new gff3 will be created to reflect the changes presented in the tabular file, which can then be piped back into Apollo or other downstream applications. For a more complete explanation, see further options at the bottom of the tool’s description: Update GFF3 from Table’s capabilities.
This tool written by Anthony Criscione is in Galaxy under:
CPT: Genomic Features and Data
Please email the support team if you have any questions!