We are going to be down for the majority of next Monday, August 17th 2020, for planned system downtime while we perform required maintenance on the machines, but also on upgrading our Galaxy and Apollo instances!
Galaxy Updates
Maintenance Scheduled for Thursday June 4
Howdy all! CPT’s services will be down for several hours tomorrow for regular OS maintenance as well as full implementation of some procedures to deal with added load over the last few weeks. We may wrap things up sooner, but the full window is as below. The admin team thanks you for your patience asLearn More…
New Tool: Remove FASTA Sequences from .gff3 File
Ever need to use a program that takes a gff3 format, but can’t have the FASTA sequence at the end? With this tool, that problem is solved! Galaxy now has a simple tool to remove the FASTA sequence from the end of a gff3 file, making it a simple transition to pipe your gff3 intoLearn More…