Looking for a tool to quickly merge the sequences in pairs of FASTA files? Need to align a set of proteins together? “FASTA merge files pairwise tool” will get the job done. Unlike other commonly used concatenation tools, this tool retains the headers of both FASTA files, by combining them with a divider, which allowsLearn More…
Galaxy Updates
Tool Spotlight: Update GFF3 from Table
Tired of entering notes directly into Apollo? Need to change a gene feature boundary on the fly? Using this tool, those changes and many more are easily accomplished. Quickly and effectively make a large numbers of changes in a short period of time by utilizing this in tandem with the Annotation Table tool. For instance,Learn More…
Tool upgrade: GFF3 to Genbank
This tool is as straightforward as the name implies. Easily convert your GFF3 files to GenBank files by simply inputting the GFF3 annotation file and reference genome FASTA sequence. Galaxy does the rest, outputting a GenBank file that has re-numbered locus tags. Now the tool also adds the translation table qualifier so it is andLearn More…