The CPT houses the premier phage spanin protein database, as described by Kongari et al in 2018. We have made a few minor fixes to the entries and converted to the BLAST version 5 database format so as to be compatible with all future BLAST+ suite updates. The updated database is in the locally installedLearn More…
Galaxy Updates
Tool added: EasyFig
EasyFig was recently added to our Galaxy tools to aid in comparing related genomes. Taking GenBank/EMBL files as inputs, users are able to visually compare anywhere from one to dozens of related genomes. As seen below, the mapping allows for rapid identification of variations between the genomes being evaluated. Parameters can be set to adjustLearn More…
New spanin-finding toolset: ISP, OSP, Find Spanin
Didn’t find your spanins in the genome? Want to be sure that you didn’t miss any candidates? Try the new toolset designed just for that purpose. These tools are meant to be used together to help find potential i-spanin/o-spanin pairs. The ISP and OSP candidate tools start with naive gene-calling from an input genomic fasta.Learn More…