A clean representation of protein primary sequence can do wonders for making a compelling case about protein fold or function. The Charges tool allows you to annotate custom residue combinations with user-specified colors. The output is a scalable vector graphic file that can be used to make high-quality figures from any protein fasta input. PresetLearn More…
Galaxy Updates
New Tool: Linear Genome Plot
Draw detailed gene maps for your linear phage genome genbank files using Linear Genome Plot. This new tool has flexible options for genome display on a single or multiple lines with coloring feature shapes based on type (gene, regulatory, etc.) or name (such as product). Label source and placement are also set by the user.Learn More…
Workflow update: Functional flow faster!
The BLAST jobs traditionally found in the PAP Functional Workflow have been tweaked. The BLASTp jobs were the reason that a functional flow took overnight to complete. As of PAP Functional Workflow v2020.07, BLASTp will no longer be run against Bacterial sequences in the NCBI nonredundant (nr) database. By removing BLASTp against all Bacteria (taxidLearn More…