Proteins with a slightly different signal sequence are recognized by SPII instead of SPI, and are lipid modified with a diacylglycerol on the S atom and a third FA on the N-terminal amine, to make a lipoprotein
Five major types of phage packaging:
Packaging Initiation
**Packaging Termination
Type | Description | Examples |
Short (hundreds of bp) or long (several kb) direct terminal repeats | Genomes with this architecture typically result in circular assemblies following sequencing, as identical sequence reads from the termini collapse into a single region in the assembled contig | T7 (short), SPO1 (long) |
Permuted | These genomes also yield circular assemblies, depending on the degree of permutation. In significantly permuted genomes, there is no “true” terminus, and the genome is opened at an arbitrary location, typically at the terminase genes. | T4 |
Non-permuted with cohesive ends | Virions contain nonpermuted genomes with short (<20 bp) 5’ or 3’ single-stranded DNA overhang. The termini of the assembled contig typically represent the genome termini, however the extent of the overhangs must be determined experimentally. | lambda |
Random host DNA at termini | When sequenced by traditional dideoxy sequencing at relatively low (approximately 8-fold) coverages, reads containing host DNA sequence could be observed in the assemblies. In next-generation sequencing, such mismatching reads are often automatically discarded during assembly and may be missed without careful examination of sequencing data. | Mu |
Covalently attached protein | Depending on how the DNA was prepared, terminal fragments with attached protein may be lost to sequencing, resulting in an incomplete genome. | phi29 |